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Shorts from Turgid

  1. Aesop’s Modern Fables by Turgid on September 13, 2004
  2. "What I'm about to show you is utterly shocking" by Turgid on September 29, 2004
  3. I am Lady Slatternly's Lover by Turgid on September 30, 2004
  4. Travelogue, Czech Republic, September by Turgid on September 30, 2004
  5. Grace Jones tried her best to intimidate the reflection she now saw in the mirror. by Turgid on October 06, 2004
  6. Aesop’s Modern Fables (#2) by Turgid on October 11, 2004
  7. Remembering 1999 by Turgid on October 12, 2004
  8. Travelogue, Czech Republic, October by Turgid on October 19, 2004
  9. Office Hilarity by Turgid on October 21, 2004
  10. Schoolboy Memories by Turgid on November 04, 2004
  11. You know what's depressing? by Turgid on November 09, 2004
  12. Metamorfosizz by Turgid on November 11, 2004
  13. Remembering 1996 by Turgid on November 15, 2004
  14. Travelogue, Czech Republic, November by Turgid on November 17, 2004
  15. A Sympathetic Portrait (The Demise of Monkeyman) by Turgid on November 18, 2004
  16. Vagaries by Turgid on November 19, 2004
  17. Murder doesn't pay. At least, not in the Balkans. by Turgid on November 23, 2004
  18. Dear Mr. Havemeyer by Turgid on November 30, 2004
  19. I was at the symphony the other night by Turgid on December 02, 2004
  20. What can't people understand about "going deep"? by Turgid on December 13, 2004
  21. It started as a joke. I ended in a fix. by Turgid on December 14, 2004
  22. Interrogation by Turgid on December 15, 2004
  23. Simpatico the waitress practically glided across the room. by Turgid on December 16, 2004
  24. Afterschool Special by Turgid on December 21, 2004
  25. His dick and his hand were one and the same. by Turgid on January 03, 2005
  26. A Horse Story by Turgid on January 03, 2005
  27. Showers by Turgid on January 04, 2005
  28. It was Pat Sajak's last day at work. by Turgid on January 06, 2005
  29. Does the proverbial five-second rule apply? by Turgid on January 10, 2005
  30. I rolled the 30-sided die rather emphatically by Turgid on January 12, 2005
  31. April 7, 1913 by Turgid on January 12, 2005
  32. "Pee into a cup." by Turgid on January 12, 2005
  33. I've seen a lot of strange things in my day. by Turgid on January 21, 2005
  34. She looked like hell. by Turgid on January 26, 2005
  35. The Ironic Moustache by Turgid on January 26, 2005
  36. Homophobia by Turgid on February 02, 2005
  37. Twenty years after the fact by Turgid on February 03, 2005
  38. Paul Thomas Anderson returned to his plush hotel suite by Turgid on February 04, 2005
  39. There's a story once told to me as a young man that I really took to heart. by Turgid on February 04, 2005
  40. The children weren't only ignoring my teachings by Turgid on February 10, 2005
  41. What gives? by Turgid on February 15, 2005
  42. Some people like to see things half empty by Turgid on February 21, 2005
  43. Thursday Morning by Turgid on February 23, 2005
  44. Andre the Giant by Turgid on February 25, 2005
  45. Standing on a grassy hill by Turgid on March 04, 2005
  46. Turducken by Turgid on March 09, 2005
  47. Stupid Political Allegory by Turgid on March 10, 2005
  48. The rail-thin communist caressed the knob of the decanter by Turgid on March 15, 2005
  49. Subway Stories by Turgid on March 18, 2005
  50. "Say, do you like music?" by Turgid on March 23, 2005
  51. "What a vainglorious morning!" by Turgid on March 29, 2005
  52. Albino Businessman by Turgid on April 04, 2005
  53. A Misunderstanding by Turgid on April 06, 2005
  54. Back in high school by Turgid on April 07, 2005
  55. Jonas by Turgid on April 14, 2005
  56. The professor pressed me for an answer by Turgid on April 18, 2005
  57. Skid Marks: A Treatise on Love by Turgid on April 20, 2005
  58. Questions by Turgid on May 03, 2005
  59. Quit laughing at me, Alfredo. by Turgid on May 03, 2005
  60. Werner Herzog by Turgid on May 11, 2005
  61. As I sat alone at the bar by Turgid on May 13, 2005
  62. Opening Night Jitters by Turgid on May 18, 2005
  63. Leather by Turgid on May 19, 2005
  64. At the Club by Turgid on May 24, 2005
  65. I ramped right into her by Turgid on May 31, 2005
  66. I decided to try my luck by Turgid on June 09, 2005
  67. "What does existential dread feel like?" by Turgid on June 21, 2005
  68. The Shower by Turgid on June 21, 2005
  69. "So what do you do?" by Turgid on June 24, 2005
  70. Moribundo by Turgid on June 29, 2005
  71. I was enjoying a drink with John Kerry by Turgid on August 02, 2005
  72. Autumn by Turgid on August 11, 2005
  73. Greek by Turgid on August 17, 2005
  74. Midsummer Mishap by Turgid on August 25, 2005
  75. My big brother by Turgid on September 01, 2005
  76. I couldn't help it. by Turgid on September 14, 2005
  77. I'm so sick of twins. by Turgid on September 30, 2005
  78. In the universe in which I operate... by Turgid on September 30, 2005
  79. I think my penis has a mind of its own. by Turgid on October 27, 2005
  80. I am very skilled by Turgid on March 03, 2006
  81. Frisco by Turgid on June 19, 2006
  82. Post-feminist Gags by Turgid on August 23, 2006