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Boxcar Willies

Guys from the farms. Other fellas, rough lookin, unkempt men. Bandits and drinkers. Packed tight like sardines sittin down or layin out over the straw. Ain't shaved in days. Noddin from the cadence of the thing, calm like - soothing. Chica-chicoo-chicachicoo-chica-choo-chicchicoo. Harmoincas. Aww fellas, it's gonna be another long night.

It's a tough life, crossin this big country, ridin the rails. I daresay none of you would choose it, nosir.
Unless you're into hoboerotic.

Date Written: June 10, 2004
Author: TheBuyer
Average Vote:

06/10/2004 Will Disney: don't vote on this one
06/10/2004 Jon Matza: Blatant ripoff of previous short.
06/10/2004 TheBuyer: Litcube? You go home already? It's not even dark.
06/10/2004 scoop (4): this one to split the difference
06/10/2004 Will Disney: hopefully the presence of this one won't screw up the scores at the end. if it does, it'll take me a few minutes to fix things...
06/10/2004 scoop: this one is actually better than the first because...i dunno where im going with this...but its growing on me more with every read.