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Henry liked to make wishes when he gave money to the homeless. He knew it was kind of corny and all, but hey, call him a sentimental guy. This particular fellow seemed especially needy: half-naked and hunchbacked, with long gray hair obscuring his downturned shameface. Henry dropped two dollars into the old man's hat and made his wish."Die, you wretched, homeless fuck," Henry thought. "Die."

Date Written: August 13, 2004
Author: qualcomm
Average Vote: 4.125

08/18/2004 Will Disney: Who can blame Henry for that?
08/18/2004 Mr. Pony (5): Hope is Dreams stitched together with Wishes, and smeared with Aspirations!
08/18/2004 qualcomm (5): ha!
08/18/2004 Pix (5): Hahaha! Everyone will wonder why I'm laughing while I walk to work today.
08/18/2004 Great Satan (5): Cruelty. Death wishing. Both fully endorsed by the Dark Prince. 666
08/18/2004 John Slocum (3): I find this only a little funny.
08/18/2004 anonymous: Slocum, I failed to mention that the homeless gentleman was holding a bottle of 2004 Ripple.
08/18/2004 TheBuyer (4):
08/18/2004 Benny Maniacs (4): I liked the shortness of the short but didn't find the humor all that humorous.
08/18/2004 anonymous: This fucking sucks! If I had the fucking vote, I'd give it a one!
08/18/2004 anonymous: Who wrote this thing anyway?
08/18/2004 anonymous: matza
08/18/2004 Jon Matza (3): The anonymous attacks of these wounded guest authors are like nerf daggers to my heart! Author (Disney?): not bad but not altogether inspired. Henry's thoughts, while cruel, could have been more colorful.
08/18/2004 scoop (4):