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Date Written: November 23, 2004
Author: The Finch
Average Vote: 4.2857

12/1/2004 Will Disney: Where's the funny?
12/1/2004 The Rid: I'm confused.
12/1/2004 Streifenbeuteldachs (1): Worst. Short. Ever.
12/1/2004 qualcomm: wow, the finch's short is useless and unfunny? i don't believe it.
12/1/2004 Will Disney: believe it. although it does have a google-like simplicity of interface to it.
12/1/2004 Mr. Pony: goddammit
12/1/2004 scoop: Can someone explain what's going on here? I can't connect to it.
12/1/2004 Dylan Danko: Tempted to five this.
12/1/2004 TheBuyer: I sent it an email but it's still just staring at me.
12/1/2004 Jon Matza: Hey qualcomm: this is original...no one's done it before. You'd better give it a good vote.
12/1/2004 qualcomm (5): all right
12/1/2004 TheBuyer: what the crap, i'm contacting the shit out of him and nothing. more staring. maybe I'll sign him up for free coupons or something.
12/1/2004 The Rid: Still abstaining.
12/1/2004 Dick Vomit: this isn't the real finch. eh, Pony?
12/1/2004 Mr. Pony: goddammit, dick vomit
12/1/2004 Dick Vomit: This is an identity theft scam.
12/1/2004 TheBuyer: he can have mine, I want to be 'Tampex Nig' for Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah, whatever.
12/1/2004 The Rid: Rid abstains until further notice.
12/1/2004 Mr. Pony (4): 3.5
12/2/2004 The Fonch (5):
The Fonch
12/2/2004 TheBuyer: I sent you an e-card and you got it, Yay! No one can resist an e-card. no one.
12/2/2004 The Fanch (5): top notch, i meant, for this one!!!
12/4/2004 The Finch: I thank you all for the messages, drawings, e-cards, death threats, confessions and coupons. While I cannot respond to individual messages, I will keep this link active so that I may be contacted in the future, should the need arise.
The Finch
12/4/2004 scoop: Hey that's not fair. Mr. Pony voted on his own short twice.
12/4/2004 Mr. Pony: (): Yeah, yeah.
01/7/2005 The Finch: Having experienced much in my recent travels, I have learned that little is more important than friendship and the fellowship of Humanity. Therefore, I have reconsidered my policy of not responding to individual messages.
Thank you [AUTHOR1], for the card. It brightened up my day considerably. And [AUTHOR2], your drawings adorn the inside of my office. Perhaps one day, we will indeed find ourselves playing together. [AUTHOR3], I forgive you for the things you said. I am nearly certain that you did not mean them. [AUTHOR4], I thank you for the information. It made certain events more clear to me. [AUTHOR5], I missed you as well. And [AUTHOR6], I have received your test message. I assure you that I am here, and that I am listening.
The Finch
01/7/2005 Litcube (5): My mom was in that drawing.