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Henry watched the fly buzzing along the ceiling.
He looks so happy and carefree, Henry thought to himself. Why can't I be happy and carefree?
A few hours later is was time for Henry to leave work. He walked out of the office and started to head home. It was a lovely day outside. The leaves had started to fall.
Henry walked by a young couple sitting on a bench.
They look happy and carefree too, Henry thought to himself. Why can't I be happy like that?
Henry got home and watched some television. He made himself dinner. He got washed up and went into his room.
Oh well - another day all alone!, Henry thought to himself. And then he flipped off the light switch and then he went to bed.
Date Written: March 03, 2003
Author: Will Disney
Average Vote: 3.5
03/3/2003 anonymous (1):
03/4/2003 Joe Frankenstone (3): I hate you!
01/10/2005 Stomach Foot: Stomach Foot here.
01/10/2005 Will Disney: hey stomach foot!
01/10/2005 Stomach Foot: Stomach Foot here.
01/10/2005 Ewan Snow: Stomach Foot here. Yes, Will.
01/10/2005 Mr. Pony (4): This is so true.
01/10/2005 Ewan Snow (5): Stomach Foot here. 5 Stars just cuz.
01/10/2005 Stomach Foot: Stomach Foot here. I don't vote. I don't believe in it.
01/10/2005 Litcube (5): :(
01/10/2005 Ewan Snow: Stomach Foot here. That's why I only vote when I'm logged in as Ewan. Otherwise it would be cheating.
01/10/2005 Stomach Foot (3): Stomach Foot here. Well, maybe this once.
01/10/2005 Ewan Snow: Stomach Foot here. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I know, I broke my own rule. But felt that five was a little excessive, and so gave it a three to average out to a four. That seems fair.
01/10/2005 Jon Matza: Hang on--I never said or denied I was stomach foot. Nor did anyone accuse me of it.
01/10/2005 Ewan Snow: Stomach Foot here. That's true, Matza, very true.