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"Cast aspersions if you must but I happen to like my new, fake titties," said President George W. Bush to his father as he struggled to remove his new Ultra Vibe-Dong from its packaging while George Sr. readied the DV camera and Laura diddled herself on the chaise to the televisual image of Aaron Brown.
Outside, thousands of miles away, an angel got its wings and the war raged on.

Date Written: April 04, 2003
Author: Dylan Danko
Average Vote: 2.75

04/4/2003 anonymous (1):
04/4/2003 anonymous (5):
04/4/2003 anonymous (5):
04/4/2003 anonymous (1):
10/7/2003 Ewan Snow (4): This one is so true. I'd say quite underrated.
10/12/2003 qualcomm: what're you kidding? this one sucks.