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I’d finally worked up the nerve to ask Judy from reception out on a date, and I wanted to make it really special. First, I picked some of the little wildflowers growing around the edge of my property and arranged them in a bouquet. I think they must have made a really amazing impression. When she opened the door, and I said, “I hope you like columbines,” the expression on her face was indescribable. I made sure to wear my best clothes, too, including this one-of-a-kind shirt I got while backpacking in India. It has this weird geometric pattern all over it, which I was told are ancient Hindu symbols representing the rays of the sun. I think they’re called swastikas. Anyway, Judy seemed pretty impressed. Well, long story short, we went to that new restaurant out on Lyter Avenue. It’s a Malaysian place that specializes in different preparations of what I’m told is called “orangutan shit.”
Date Written: September 14, 2006
Author: qualcomm
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