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"I seem to be lost in your hedge maze," Lucius called out. “And I’m growing rather faint from the heat. Alexander, end this silliness; let’s go to the veranda for a rounds of draughts.”

The sun beat down on Lucius.

Suddenly, it dawned on him. Alexander wasn’t coming. And there was no way out of this fucking maze.

Date Written: September 10, 2003
Author: Will Disney
Average Vote: 3.6667

09/10/2003 Will Disney: once again, with apologies to ewan snow - hedge maze
09/16/2003 qualcomm (3): why'nt you apologize to everyone else for this shitter while you're at it?
09/16/2003 Will Disney: i like this one! anyway someone has to write the shorts around here, feldspar.
04/19/2004 Mr. Pony (4): That's not a shitter.
05/18/2004 TheBuyer (4): Reminds me of the time I got stuck in that fucking corn maze.