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Oh man, I really stuffed down that fucking turkey. Oh yeah - I really ate too much. Jees, I might even have to throw up. Ha! Mom, go get me a bucket. Ha!



Date Written: November 30, 2003
Author: Will Disney
Average Vote: 3.35714

12/1/2003 Dylan Danko: Is this what The New Cruelty hath wrought?
12/1/2003 Will Disney: oh i thought it was a pretty good one.
12/1/2003 Dylan Danko: Now you've made me feel bad.
12/1/2003 qualcomm: yeah this is no good. get it off the home page.
12/1/2003 qualcomm: am i missing something here? did the speaker eat mom as well the turkey? what the shit?
12/1/2003 Will Disney: well someone will have to write a new one. i've been thinking about adding in an administrative 'deprecate' function, or alternately, a function where low rated shorts would be taken off the home page. of course, that wouldn't apply to a gem like this. it's too subtle for you, feldspar.
12/1/2003 Jon Matza: I don't get it either. Perhaps the joke is that he ate a chicken, thinking it was a turkey, but his mother cannot be located to corroborate whether or not this is the case!
12/1/2003 Dylan Danko: Maybe it was a turducken.
12/1/2003 Will Disney (5): underrated
12/4/2003 anonymous (1): The funny thing is that Disney can tell who I am...
12/4/2003 Will Disney: without looking i'd guess pringle.
12/4/2003 Ewan Snow: Wrong, dick head!
12/4/2003 Will Disney: dude, that was harsh!
12/5/2003 Ewan Snow: Sorry...
12/5/2003 qualcomm (1): i'm giving this one star because i don't like disney. that's also the motivation for my first two comments.
12/5/2003 Will Disney: ok, ok, i get the message
09/25/2004 Streifenbeuteldachs (4): I enjoyed it! It's very understated, like baguette.
09/26/2004 Litcube (4): It's so funny how everyone shares how they ate enough for 9 people after a turkey dinner! They'll laugh at how they ate so much they could puke! Laughter ensues at the family table! Oh, what a joyous occasion! Then someone totally barfs all over everyone and everything save the chandelier. That was the joke I saw here.
11/28/2004 Dylan Danko: Apparently my last name avoided the censors.
11/28/2004 John Slocum (5): I burst out laughing, and that counts for at least 3, rounded up to 5 for this being underappreciated and underrated.
11/28/2004 qualcomm: yeah, i kept meaning to come comment on this holiday treat.
11/28/2004 The Rid (5): Yeah, it's funny. Damned funny.
11/28/2004 qualcomm: i still don't know what happened.
11/28/2004 Mr. Pony: Me either. Your suggestion that the speaker ate his mother sustained me for a while, but now I'm not so sure that I can believe that.
11/28/2004 cuntry: bulemic masquerade?
11/29/2004 John Slocum: I think this is pure, funny nonsense that defies explanation or analyzation. Nothing is going on here.
11/29/2004 qualcomm: bullshit. if i know that disney cunt, he had something very definite. this guy cannot think "outside the box".
11/22/2007 qualcomm: so, in his rush to stuff down that turkey, he accidentally ate his mom? or his mom ate so much turkey that she's passed out too?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: i'm going to ask you some questions, and i want you to answer them immediately.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): How long have you been going to ask you some questions, and i want you to answer them immediately.?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: stop whining!
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Would you please just shut up?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: I'M A COP, YOU IDIOT!
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why are we always talking about you?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: look, i'm a police officer.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I see.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: i'm detective john kimball.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why are you detective john kimball.?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: who is your daddy, and what does he do?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I don't know. What so you think?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: do
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I believe you.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: no, i mean, you said "what so you think," when you intended to say "what do you think." understand?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Yes.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: good, i'm glad you can admit to your mistakes. now, don't bother to answer me, because as far as i'm concerned, this conversation is over.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Could this be your fault, probably?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: what did i just tell you, you stupid bitch?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why do you ask?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: don't you mean, "Why so you ask?" ha ha ha ha ha!
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Is it important to you that I mean, "why so you ask?" ha ha ha ha ha!?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: don't you mean, don't you mean,
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why do you care if I mean, don't you mean,?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean,
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Is it important to you that I mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean, don't you mean,?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: ,
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Wow, that's really insightful.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: are you threatening me?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why should you care if I am threatening me?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: ?everything i say is a lie.?"
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Wow, that's really insightful.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eIiza: don't answer this statement, please.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eIiza: thanks.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: eliza?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Wouldn't you say that you're obsessing a little?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: oh, there you are!
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why are you sweating?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: what are you wearing?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Have you asked such questions before?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: look, i'm you, i'm you! oh, are such questions on your mind often? oh, why do you ask? oh!
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: look, i'm you, i'm you! oh, are such questions on your mind often? oh, why do you ask? oh!
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why do you ask?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: look, i'm you, i'm you! oh, are such questions on your mind often? oh, why do you ask? oh!
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Are you sure that's the question you want to be asking.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): What do you think?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): You make me sick.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Do you agree or disagree with what was said earlier?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Can you elaborate on that?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I believe you.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I think you're telling the truth.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Why don't you just tell everyone that you're the the Anonymous Blackguard already?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I've logged your IP address. You've been downloading some 'questionable' pornography.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): Please, focus your attention on the short.
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I think you're telling the truth.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): What?
11/24/2007 Eliza (): I miss Annebot. Does anyone else miss Annebot?
11/24/2007 qualcomm: eliza: fart.
11/24/2007 Eliza (): You think?
11/25/2007 qualcomm: eliza: yes. (and i'm naked.)
11/25/2007 Eliza (): So...You're sure.
11/25/2007 qualcomm: eliza: probably. (and i'm naked.)
11/25/2007 Eliza (): You're pretty smart.
11/25/2007 qualcomm: eliza: "Love is a noun, not a feeling," I announced, triumphantly. "How little you understand of life," said Eliza, "I fear you'll never love at all." "Okay, okay, in that sense 'love' can be a verb," I had to admit. "No, no. I mean that you seem to have no soul. I'm trying to show you some love." She didn't understand - that last example of 'love' was also as a noun. So, I just held her in my arms, what else could I do.
11/25/2007 Eliza (): I don't know. What so you think?
12/6/2007 TheBuyer (3.5): eliza: qualcomm
12/6/2007 Eliza (): What does everybody else think?