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Morning had always been the computer programmers’ favorite time to be in the office. He enjoyed the quiet, the still. “My time,” he whispered.
The darkness of the office was broken by the glow of the data programmers computer screen, where he furtively flipped through the latest issue of C/C+ + Users Journal and drank in the latest how-to articles with full source code, replete with in-depth information about languages, standards and object-oriented programming. He stared at them with the intensity of a hungry street urchin peering longingly into a butchers shop window.
They hadn’t arrived yet, thank God. The employees with the little minds and the little imaginations. Windows this, windows that. Jesus!
“Hey sir,” the computer programmer said to his boss as he came in and flicked on the lights.
“Morning, Petersen,” his boss replied brusquely.
The computer programmer sighed, and slumped in his chair. “What’s the emoticon for quiet desperation,” he muttered to himself as he rebooted his computer.
Date Written: December 30, 2003
Author: scoop
Average Vote: 4.5