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Tobias let the letter flutter to the floor. He unbuttoned his oxford shirt, draped it over his desk chair and slumped on to his unmade bed with a sigh. A strange rumble churned in his stomach. How could she! Tobias lathered up his hairy belly with aloe enriched shaving cream and began to run his razor along the grain of the thick, black hair.
When he finished, he balmed his freshly shaven paunch with an osmoregulative cytoplasmic solution and padded to the fridge. He pulled out three sections of choice 16 oz. strip steak marbled with rich layers of fat, tore open the butcher’s paper and laid them on his heaving belly.
It was feeding time.
He was lost in thought as his digestive system secreted acids to liquefy the steaks in preparation for consumption. He remembered love. When it was new. How it soared. Poor Tobias always binged when he was depressed. And Vera’s “Dear John” letter had given him a bad case of the blues.
In the beginning, there were long walks in the park, the electricity of stolen touches, rambling phone conversatons till dawn pregnant with hidden meaning. Their love thrived in a medium of equal concentration – it flowed from one membrane to the other. But lately, Vera hadn’t returned his calls, she had “plans” with her friends. It was like their romance had been placed into a concentrated sugar solution. Their passion shrunk. They pulled away form one another. The feelings flowed in one direction. Their love had been plasmolyzed.
The steaks, reduced to a bubbling pool on his belly, had completely liquefied to their gradient parts. Tobias looked at it. Just like love he thought, as he absorbed the sludge into his gut. His torso undulated as he began the long painful process of osmosis. Would Tobias ever love again? He pulled the blinds closed and cried.
Oh cruel, cruel world! Wicked fate! To know love, and have slip away! It is better to never have loved at all! Oh Vera, Vera! Why, why?
Date Written: April 26, 2004
Author: scoop
Average Vote: 3.875